Exegete+ = Extragete
An extragete is an exegete who does a little extra.

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Ed Komoszewski
Has served as a pastor, professor of biblical and theological studies, and the director of research for a large nonprofit organization. He is the author or editor of three books: Reinventing Jesus (with M. James Sawyer and Daniel B. Wallace), Putting Jesus in His Place (with Robert M. Bowman Jr.), and Jesus, Skepticism, and the Problem of History (with Darrell L. Bock). Ed resides with his wife (Shelley), two daughters (Kaitlyn and Emily), and long-haired dachshund (Abby) in Dallas, Texas, where he’s at work on his next volume about Jesus. A former martial arts instructor and lifelong enthusiast, he likes kicking stuff and folding clothes with people still in them.

Dan Wallace
Is Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM.org). He has traveled to three dozen countries in search of handwritten manuscripts of the New Testament. Dan is the author of Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics and has contributed to dozens of books. He has edited or contributed to half a dozen translations of the New Testament. Dan and his wife, Pati, live in Dallas. have four adult sons, three daughters-in-law, three granddaughters, one grandson, and a Labrador Retriever named Porter. He is a fourth-generation Californian and former body surfer from Newport Beach, CA who thinks the surf in Dallas sucks.
All sufficient for what?
Although in their theological education they were taught that Scripture was all-sufficient, this was not nuanced. All sufficient for what? Dan found exegesis inadequate to help him during his son’s cancer. He began to recognize that without the working of the Spirit on one’s heart as the mind is engaged in study of the Word, the result is merely knowledge. It’s not adequate for the soul. An extragete is one who cultivates their response to the witness of the Spirit in their life, and always has as the goal of their study the magnification of Jesus Christ.